Attic24 Sampler Blanket Part 3

So today's post will cover rows 27-44. It sounds like a lot, but there's only one new stitch to learn, and it's a nice relaxing one! So here goes...

Row 27: If you're following my colour order, switch to blush. Chain 3 (counts as first treble crochet), tc in each stitch to end.

Row 28: This is the first 'crossed trebles' row, also known as the meadow stitch. You can find a detailed tutorial here: Attic24: Meadow Stripe ( but here's the short version: chain 3 (counts as first tc), tc in next stitch, *skip one stitch, tc in next stitch, tc in skipped stitch - one pair of crossed trebles made*, repeat from *-* until there are only two stitches remaining, tc in each of these stitches. Ta-dah! It can feel a little awkward at first, but after a few rows, it begins to flow.

Row 29: Switch to wisteria, work a crossed trebles row.

Row 30: Work a crossed trebles row.

R0w 31: Switch to turquoise, work a crossed trebles row.

Row 32. Work a crossed trebles row. 

Row 33: Switch to lincoln, work a crossed trebles row.

Row 34: Chain 3 (counts as first tc) tc in each stitch to end.

Row 35: Switch to saffron, chain 2 (counts as first dc), dc in each stitch to end.

Row 36: Here we switch back to an old favourite.. the neat wave pattern from part one. But here's a recap: chain 3 (counts as a treble) htc in next stitch, htc in next stitch, dc in next stitch, dc in next stitch, *dc, dc, htc, htc, tc^, tc, htc, htc, dc, dc*, repeat from *-*, your final stitch should be the treble crochet marked ^. This is neat wave row one.

Row 37: Switch to shrimp. Chain 2 (counts as first *dc) dc, htc, htc, tc, tc, htc, htc, dc, dc*, repeat from *-*, your final stitch should be a double crochet. This is neat wave row two.

Row 38: Repeat neat wave row two.

Row 39: Switch to lipstick, repeat neat wave row one.

Row 40: Repeat neat wave row one.

Row 41: Switch to powder pink, repeat neat wave row two.

Row 42: Repeat neat wave row two.

Row 43: Switch to violet, repeat neat wave row one.

Row 44: Chain 2 (counts as first htc), htc in each stitch to end.

So here it is, the story so far:

And this weeks stripes, soft meadow grasses, next to gently flowing waves:


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